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  • Dürr Universal field service for the power generation industry

Gas turbine air inlet systems – coatings and corrections

Dürr Universal offers a comprehensive service package, ensuring the optimal performance and longevity of your air inlet systems. Our offerings include a thorough inspection, where we meticulously examine structural elements within the filter house for metal wastage, corrosion, and environmental/operational wear. Should any issues arise, our skilled field service technicians are on standby to provide immediate assistance, making us your go-to partner for addressing this often-overlooked concern.

Maximize gas turbine efficiency – expert air inlet systems services, inspections, coatings, corrections, and repairs

Inspection service offerings:

  • Comprehensive examination of structural elements
  • Assessment for metal wastage, corrosion, and operational wear
  • Immediate assistance from skilled field service technicians for any issues identified

Our coating systems extend the life of your entire filtration and cooling system. With our expertise, we mitigate risks associated with coating failures and prevent damage caused by rust, paint chips, or material debris. Whether your filter house faces exposure to wet cooling towers or utilities fogging systems for evaporative cooling, we tailor solutions to maximize maintenance intervals and minimize downtime.

Coating services:

  • Extension of filter house lifespan
  • Risk mitigation for coating failures
  • Protection against rust, paint chips, and material debris
  • Tailored solutions for environments with wet cooling towers or fogging systems
  • Maximization of maintenance intervals and minimization of downtime

Trust Dürr Universal to safeguard your air inlet systems’ performance and longevity.

We prioritize the efficiency of your gas turbines by:

  • Properly inspecting your air inlet system for environmental wear and assessing service treatment offered
  • Preparing steel by high-pressure water blasting and grit blasting tailored to the condition of the material and existing coating system
  • Professionally applying protective coatings and/or thermal barrier coatings to extend the life of the filter house

The benefits of filter house maintenance:

  • Extending the life of the asset
  • Avoiding costly repairs if left unchecked

Additionally, we offer advanced correction solutions for situations where corrosion is more extensive than initially anticipated. Our experienced technicians are equipped to handle even the most challenging corrosion scenarios, ensuring that your equipment receives comprehensive repairs and enhancements. Whether through innovative repair techniques, advanced coatings, or customized remediation strategies, Dürr Universal remains committed to delivering exceptional results tailored to your specific needs. Trust us to prolong the lifespan of your assets, even in the face of unexpected challenges.