Fan Silencers
Primary-air fans, forced-draft fans and induced-draft fans will generally require some form of source noise acoustical treatment. Dürr Universal provides state-of-the-art noise abatement solutions including fan silencers for industrial fan applications.
Fan silencer application areas
Most applications will require inlet, and/or outlet silencers to meet OSHA and other noise control requirements. Dürr Universal designs and manufactures a complete line of industrial fan silencers for all fan types. Computer-enhanced analysis tools developed for fan, turbine, and other air moving equipment allow Dürr Universal to reduce costs, while providing effective solutions for the most challenging of fan-silencing applications.
Fan silencer design
Through engineering design analysis, Dürr Universal can custom design silencers to meet demanding sound-reduction requirements, while maintaining optimum design performance. Dürr Universal fan silencers can be found on both stationary and mobile applications.
The Acousti-Vane silencer comes in standard cross-sections and lengths that cover a wide range of applications and provide economical solutions to a broad range of noise conditions. It is available in three standard models: low-pressure drop, moderate-pressure drop and high-pressure drop, and can be adapted for use in non-standard or application-specific configurations. The steel frame of the Acousti-Vane silencers has high sound transmission loss, and the standard two-coat paint system applied has a temperature rating of 300°F.